4 ways to earn extra cash this summer, from people whose side hustles bring in $100,000 or more a year

4 ways to earn extra cash this summer, from people whose side hustles bring in $100,000 or more a year

It’s officially summer, and with the heat comes travel and expenses like concerts, trips to the amusement park and a new wardrobe. To avoid breaking the bank, you may want to consider picking up a summer side hustle to bring in some extra cash.

Tech Zone Daily Make It has talked to plenty of real people who show you can make more than just a couple extra bucks here and there — their side hustles typically bring in more then $100,000 per year.

“I’ve been doing [my side hustle] for about three and a half years now, and I wouldn’t do anything else,” Sophie Riegel, a part-time online clothing reseller, told Make It. “I love it so much. It makes me so happy.”

Here are four ways you can start earning this summer and maybe even have some fun while you’re at it.

1. Resell clothing

Spring cleaning doesn’t have to stop when summer begins. In fact, you might be able to turn selling unwanted things into a sustainable year-long side hustle.

Riegel started selling old clothing items in her childhood bedroom as a bored Duke freshman during the pandemic in 2020. After she made around $200 selling some of her own unused stuff, she was hooked.

She began combing through thrift stores for items she could buy on the cheap and resell at a profit. In 2023, she earned $123,800 selling clothes on online marketplaces like eBay, Poshmark and Mercari.

Riegel’s main job includes work as a professional writer, mental health coach and speaker. She told Make It that she spends around 25 hours a week on her side hustle.

Much of Riegel’s success comes down to her research on everything from item value to restocking schedules at local stores.

“Technically, the thrifting takes the most time,” Riegel told Tech Zone Daily Make It. “But it doesn’t feel like work to me.”

2. Rent your pool

3. Showcase your career through content creation

4. Rent out your car

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