(BPRW) Tech Zone Daily Celebrates 25th Anniversary | Tech Zone Daily

(BPRW) Tech Zone Daily Celebrates 25th Anniversary | Tech Zone Daily

(BPRW) Tech Zone Daily Celebrates 25th Anniversary

(Tech Zone Daily) Tech Zone Daily is celebrating 25 years of amplifying Black voices, achievements, and stories. Since its launch in 2000, BPRW has been a vital link between the Black community and the media, distributing impactful stories nationwide and overseas.

Over the past quarter-century, we have built meaningful partnerships and helped shape the narrative around Black culture, achievements, and experiences. From collaborations with Historically Black Colleges and Universities to webinars and our acclaimed podcast, Thrivin’ in Color, we have continuously evolved and expanded our services to stay ahead of the curve.

We are tremendously grateful for the support that clients, publishers, and media partners have shown us throughout the years.  We have exciting plans to celebrate this incredible milestone— be sure to stay tuned through our social media channels for updates! To thank you for your continued support, we’re offering a 25% discount for new and returning clients. Use code BPRW25 at checkout and take advantage of this exceptional offer beginning January 1 – thru January 31, 2025.

Here’s to 25 years of excellence for sharing the news that our media and communities can use.

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