Daily briefing: An ocean in hiding inside Saturn’s moon Mimas

    Daily briefing: An ocean in hiding inside Saturn’s moon Mimas

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    Striped by its rings’ shadows, Saturn (light blue; artificially coloured) looms behind its moon Mimas (grey sphere), which conceals a liquid ocean underneath its surface.Credit: NASA via Alamy

    Mimas, a small moon of Saturn, turns out to have an ocean beneath its icy surface — despite looking too geologically inert to have water sloshing inside. The fact that unexceptional Mimas has an ocean means that “you could have liquid water almost anywhere”, says astronomer Valéry Lainey. And that means a greater chance of extraterrestrial life somewhere: interactions between a buried ocean and a moon’s rocky core could generate enough chemical energy to sustain living organisms.

    Nature | 5 min read

    Reference: Nature paper

    Mutations that let cancer cells thrive when healthy cells would die can boost engineered immune cells’ ability to kill tumours in mice. Engineered chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells are already used to treat blood cancers, but don’t seem to work well for ‘solid’ cancers, such as breast and lung tumours. Researchers screened the effect of 71 mutations found in cancerous T cells, and found that one in particular gave T cells the power to melt away mice’s tumours. “It’s a very special molecule, it seems to be able to beat all the tests we put to it,” says dermatologist and study co-author Jaehyuk Choi.

    Nature | 5 min read

    Reference: Nature paper

    A new approach looks at authors, rather than the content of papers, to help identify journal articles that originate from ‘paper mills’ — factories for fake research. It looks for unusual patterns of co-authorship and peculiar networks of researchers, which could be a sign that authorship was paid for, rather than earned. The approach could be crucial as artificial intelligence (AI) systems make it all too easy to churn out convincing copy. “This is the kind of signal that is much more difficult to work around or outcompete by clever use of generative AI,” says Hylke Koers of the International Association of Scientific, Technical, and Medical Publishers.

    Nature | 5 min read

    Reference: arXiv preprint

    Features & opinion

    How a battery works: graphic that shows how a battery functions and suggests ways that the design can be improved.

    Source: Adapted from G. Harper et al. Nature 575, 75–86 (2019) and G. Offer et al. Nature 582, 485–487 (2020)

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    Nature | 5 min read

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