Midyear check-in: Take these 3 actions now to start cleaning your financial house

Midyear check-in: Take these 3 actions now to start cleaning your financial house

Summer can be an ideal time to slow down, reflect and reset your money mindset. You also may find more time to review your financial goals and decide whether you need a reboot.

“When it comes to those who want to ‘clean’ their financial house, my advice is that you must sweep the dust before bringing out the basket of heavy disinfectants,” recommends certified financial planner Stacy Francis, president and CEO of Francis Financial in New York. “Instead of being overwhelmed by the idea of keeping your finances perfectly in order, start small.” 

Speaking with financial experts — namely, an accountant and a financial advisor — can help kickstart your cleanup, said Jordan Awoye, managing partner of Awoye Capital in Bay Shore, New York. 

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“Talking to your advisor during the end of the year and also in the middle of the year, during the six-month mark, kind of keeps us accountable, understanding what the goals are and what we’re trying to accomplish,” he said. 

Here are three key actions financial experts suggest you take midyear.

1. Review and reset your budget

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“Make practice payments to yourself,” said Corbin Blackwell, a CFP and senior financial planner at Betterment. “Start putting aside whatever amount you know you were previously putting aside [for loan payments] or estimate payments for it and put it in a high-yield savings account for the next couple of months.”

“That way, your budget can recalibrate around this additional bill.”

Continue to review your budget regularly to make sure you’re staying on track. 

“We may allocate our money and pay our bills monthly, but we benefit from checking in weekly to keep up with an abundance of household transactions and to make course corrections when (not if) necessary,” advises Tim Maurer, a CFP and chief advisory officer of Signature FD, which has offices in Atlanta and Charlotte. He is also a member of the Tech Zone Daily Financial Advisors Council. 

2. Check your tax withholding

Get your latest pay stub for your job(s) and your 2022 tax return, then go to the IRS Tax Withholding Estimator tool at irs.gov to figure out if the correct amount of taxes is being withheld. If you need to change your withholding, fill out an IRS Form W-4 and submit it to your employer. 

Adjusting your tax withheld now can also help with your cash flow and ensure you receive a bigger paycheck and smaller refund at tax time.

3. Review your retirement savings

Review your workplace retirement savings plan to ensure that you are on track to maximize your 401(k) contributions. “Be sure that all monies are invested, and no funds are sitting in cash,” advised Francis, who is also a member of the Tech Zone Daily Financial Advisors Council. 

The start of the second half of the year can be a good time to also “evaluate the performance of your investment portfolio and rebalance if your asset allocation has drifted significantly,” recommended Ashton Lawrence, a CFP and senior wealth advisor at Mariner Wealth Advisors in Greenville, South Carolina. 

Now may also be a good time to consider moving some of your traditional, pretax 401(k) money to a Roth 401(k) if your company offers in-plan conversions and you can afford the upfront tax hit. 

“We really strongly believe we’re on a runway for the current tax laws to expire in 2025,” said Sam G. Huszczo, a CFP, CFA and founder of SGH Wealth Management in Lathrup Village, Michigan. “If they do, they revert back to 2017 and pretty much every tax bracket goes up 2% to 4%.” 

“This might be a good moment to switch your entire 401(k) savings from the traditional side over to the Roth 401(k) side, even if you’re in a high tax bracket right now,” he added. After paying the tax on the conversion, your funds can grow tax-free. Still, check with a tax professional to make sure this financial move is right for you. 

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