Nearly 1 in 5 student loan borrowers keep their balance a secret from their partner

Nearly 1 in 5 student loan borrowers keep their balance a secret from their partner

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It’s no secret that many college graduates are struggling with student loan debt. Still, many borrowers aren’t talking about their loans with their significant other.

Nearly 1 in 5 student loan borrowers in the U.S. — or 19% — say they are hiding their loan balance from their partner, according to a new report from NerdWallet. The personal finance site and The Harris Poll surveyed 2,098 adults in early May.

Shame, guilt, depression and anxiety swirling the topic of student debt can lead borrowers to keep the details of their loans secret, therapists say. Yet professionals recommend coming clean as soon as possible to salve your conscience, protect your loved one from financial risk and improve your relationship.

“In our society, we collectively acknowledge the price tag and benefits of higher education, and it is also considered shameful to have debt,” said Traci Williams, a clinical psychologist and certified financial therapist in East Point, Georgia. “This creates complex emotions for graduates who celebrate their success, while silently worrying over their loans.”

Outstanding education debt in the U.S. stands at roughly $1.6 trillion, and burdens Americans more than credit card or auto debt.

The average loan balance at graduation is around $30,000.

Student debt and power imbalances

Most people were never taught how to speak about money, said New York-based licensed clinical social worker Clay Cockrell. If your significant other doesn’t also have outstanding student debt, the topic can feel especially taboo, he added.

“Now we are talking about a power imbalance of someone who comes from wealth versus someone who had to use loans to get their education,” Cockrell said.

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But despite the shame that often accompanies debt, being open and honest with your partner is the key to a healthy romantic relationship, therapists say.

“By keeping your debt, or financial history, in general, secret, you are being disingenuous to your partner and ultimately putting them at risk, too,” Cockrell said.

Student debt can make it harder to buy a house, start a family and save for the future, research shows.

How to talk about student debt with your partner

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